Environmental Consulting
Did you know all federally funded projects require an Army Corp of Engineer permit?
Your project may qualify for a nation wide permit, or may have to permitted under a general or individual permit. Our Firm can help with your Section 404 and Section 10 permit and Phase 1 Environmental study.
Use your knowledge of what your land use was, as well as,
your due diligence to rule out environmental hazards before the land is purchased!
Wetlands help support wild life habitat! They also provide an important basis of commercial fisheries. Imagine life without hunting and seafood.
Constructed wetlands can help with rainwater run-off purification and reduces nitrogen/phosphorous levels that ends up our oceans!
Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment Study
Environmental laws require that prospective property owners of properties conduct a reasonable and appropriate inquiry into the property, its past user, and the associated environmental liabilities. This type of study is conducted to evaluate potential risk of contamination at a property. In the event of potential contamination, a Phase II ESA is conducted.
Wetland delineation is an environmental investigation into determining if there are jurisdictional wetlands on the tract. Wetlands can only be classified through scientific evidence that there is hydrology present, hydric soils, and hydrophytic plants together on any portion of the site.
USACE permits are required when construction activity occurs in a jurisdictional area of land of the US Army Corp of Engineers. These permits can range from Section 10, Waters of the US permits, to section 404 permits, fill of the wetlands permit. These permits can fall under the category of Nationwide permits, individual, or general permits.
Our Firm can assist with all aspects of any Environmental assistance needed with your Development!